15 apr 2011

Tullips out of bloom splashing colours

I love Tullips out of bloom. I think even more then when they are blooming. The leaves structures becomes so delicate and beautiful. Almoys if they are woven with threads.
But you have to leave them for almost half a week after you think they are out of bloom to get this effect. Just watch them closely every day and see how they become more beautiful everyday. 
See the fine curly structured lines in the petals. Beautiful isn't it?
I hope you enjoyed these splashing colours. Have a great weekend.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Eine sehr schöne Fotoserie. Mich faszinieren auch immer wieder verblühte Blumen. Manchmal sind nur noch die Blattnerven oder der verholzte Teil zu sehen.
    Liebe Grüsse

  2. Jouw tulpen zijn net als een goede wijn.
    Hoe langer ze rijpen des te mooier worden ze.
    Je foto's zijn prachtige artistieke kunststukken geworden.
    Complimenten en groetjes,


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